Richard Lozier, Painter - celebrating the last fifty years as a career artist. Interview hosted by Scott Wonderlich and filmed by Mark Slupe, GRTV
Savvy Art Learning Resources
The additional resources below are designed to help grow your understanding and appreciation of art.
Interests in learning more about the artists and exhibits on display in GRA's onsite galleries.
A Comprehensive Guide to Composition for Artist by Draw Paint Academy.
A beginner’s guide to buying art on any budget by Elle written by Chelsea Neman Nassib
Invaluable Guide to Buying Fine Art by Invaluable
How to buy original art and paintings on a budget by Money Crashers
Seven Tips for Starting Your Own Collection by RA: The Royal Academy of Art
How to Buy Art for Your Home by Curbed
Step by step guide to buying your first piece of art by Business Insider
12 Colors and the Emotions They Envoke
Why is buying art so expensive? by MessyEverAfter
Why Buying Original Art is Worth it! by Medium

A printable file (PDF - HERE) with instructions has been provided or link to an audio recording (Voice - HERE) instructions to walk through the meditation activity.